How it Works

How It Works

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Singup & create profile

⦁ Sign Up and create your Freelancer Profile ⦁ Upload your ID for verification

Add a professional photo, relevant skills and any relevant experience for the kind of work that you offer

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Create Services

⦁ Create the service you offer and the rate you charge and publish it.

⦁ Browse through the jobs available and offer proposals for the projects that best match your skills, availability and price. Let your employer know you understand what they need and why you are the best person for the job

⦁ You will receive a notification if your published service has been chosen for a job or if your proposal has been chosen by an employer.

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Chat in real

⦁ Chat in real-time with the employer and discuss more details about the project.

⦁ Start working and always aim to provide high quality work on your projects. The employer will leave a review once the project is completed

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Getting Paid

Once the project is delivered and approved, you will receive a payment

Once the project is delivered and approved, you will receive a payment